
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Chris - Dieppe to Paris Cycle Challenge 2012

While most of us were in bed, catching up on sleep, in the first few days after term ended, one Mertens boy was pushing himself to new heights!!

Chris Pernet (L6th) completed a challenging cycle from Dieppe to Paris, France. Chris, along with his father and cycling partner, Olivier, set off from Dieppe on the last day of term, covering approximately 200kms along the way. The funds raised will go towards the Ndogo Childrens Feeding Programme which Chris hopes to witness first hand when he visits Kenya with Ardingly College in July this year. If you would like to sponsor Chris or donate funds in recognition of his achievement, please email me ( and I will provide more details.

Congratulations Chris on a fantastic achievement!!

At the finishing line in Paris!!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

InterHouse Hockey 2012

A great effort from all the Mertens lads but unfortunately we weren't able to raise any trophies this year. Congratulations to the Seniors who lost narrowly to both Crosse and Rhodes but then finished strongly by beating our neighbours from across the carpark, Hilton.

The Juniors drew their first game against the eventual champions, Crosse, but then lost narrowly in the other three. Better luck next year!

Thanks to Mr Batchelder for the pics....not much Hockey action I'm afraid!

1st XV vs Worth - A great victory for the lads...

Sussex 7s at Worth - 14s Rugby